Saying Yes

I’ve decided to approach this summer with the word ‘YES’ stamped across my forehead. Not literally…

Mostly I just mean that I want to be a ‘Yes Man’.
Because sometimes I’m more prone to find excuses for why I don’t want to do things.
I’m not even sure if I’ve seen this movie in full, but I know the premise behind it. Can you relate to this scene?

I can.
Something is going on and it may not be a convenient time, or with people I feel comfortable with, or I’d just rather be alone watching some television show… I tell myself that it’s okay because I’m more introverted and it’s more meaningful for me to be home writing something than it is for me to be out and about actually connecting with real people…

And so I choose isolation.
There’s always a good reason, too. I don’t usually have to make one up. Sometimes I’m genuinely exhausted, sometimes I have to work, sometimes I have to study, sometimes I have prior commitments, sometimes it costs too much, sometimes it’s too far away, sometimes I don’t know really know anyone there…

But this summer I want to say YES more readily. I want it to be a summer where I live life to the fullest, where I’m willing to do things and hang out with people that I might not normally… and to enjoy the unknown adventures of what that might entail. I want to spend time investing in others, even if there’s no guarantee that we’ll ever see each other again.

I’d challenge you to do the same.
Obviously, there are boundaries (I’m not trying to get you to say YES to drugs or weird propositions)…but I think there might be a lot of things we miss out on because we’re too comfortable, too scared, too satisfied to stay with what we know, too lazy, etc. I think we miss out on a lot because we’re too scared of spending money (and yes, we need to be good stewards…but are we hoarding and holding back in fear that the Lord won’t provide?), and we’re too scared of being in situations that feel awkward or unknown.

I recognize that saying yes more often doesn’t necessarily mean that each situation is going to be a grand new adventure. Sometimes it just might be what I fear it’ll be: awkward or uncomfortable or feel like a waste of time/money… but maybe I’d like to approach it with an openness of what the Lord could do if I’m willing to step outside of myself and my own comfort zone.

I don’t know what saying ‘YES’ means for you right now…
Maybe it means helping someone financially, maybe it means taking a crazy, spontaneous trip against your better judgment, maybe it means choosing to watch a movie with other people instead of by yourself (even if they aren’t your best friends). Maybe it means stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something out of your ordinary or maybe it means going out of your way to hang out with people. It could be anything.

Just consider the things you say NO to, and why you’re saying no.
What are you missing out on?
What are you choosing over the opportunities you’re presented with?

Have discernment as you say yes (especially if saying yes means that you’re spreading yourself entirely too thin)… but I hope that we can find joy in the opportunities as we say yes to people, to spontaneity, to adventure… and I pray that the selflessness in the YESes will create moments where we are surprised again and again by how good and faithful God is when we are willing to step outside of ourselves for a moment or two.

Let’s stop making excuses for isolation…
and say YES to people, to community, to relationship, to opportunity, to the unknown.

You in?

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