The comment:
Love at first sight? What do you think?
Oh boy…
I can’t very well tell someone who has experienced this that it doesn’t exist… but I guess I’d still question the ‘love’ part.
Immediately attracted to, drawn in, interested in at first sight? Sure. Absolutely. It happens almost daily for me. But love…? Eh…… better not.
Met someone and immediately known that they were ‘The One’? Eh…. I know quite a few people that claim this has happened to them, but I think it’s the exception, not what we should expect and be waiting for. Mostly because I’m hardly convinced there even is ‘The One’… but also because I think it creates a faulty hope for single people.
Love at first sight…? The premise of it is based solely on physical attraction. And as much as I want to be physically attracted to the man I spend the rest of my life with… and as much as I want him to be physically attracted to me? It can’t be all there is. There has to be more. The looks are fleeting, temporary, promised to fade into wrinkles, bags and sags no matter how hard we try to fight it.
I can’t count on my hands and feet the number of times that I’ve met someone, been immediately attracted to them (and hopeful that this might, indeed, be love at first sight), started talking to them and quickly lost interest. More often there has been the occasional interest peaked and as we started conversing, the interest would grow. They may not have caught my eye based solely on looks, but something about them had been intriguing, worth getting to know, worth investing in. No where close to love… but more of a curiosity.
I don’t want to say it can’t happen. I’m just skeptical that what we refer to when we say ‘love’ is actually love… especially at first sight. I think the love takes time to grow and develop, especially as we learn more about each other. I think the initial attraction at first sight sometimes grows and works out for people… and those are the people who would say it was ‘love at first sight’ for them, but… more often than not, I think the initial attraction fades as we get to know someone and realize our incompatibilities far outweigh our similarities.
Maybe it’ll work out for you, though.
Just don’t get all set on that being the way it’s ‘supposed’ to work. Recognize that your story is going to look far different from anyone else’s…. and it may be immediate attraction from the beginning that keeps growing and working out as you learn to truly love each other, or it may be some person you’ve known forever that you never even considered a romantic possibility. Who knows…
But love at first sight…?
It’s a fun idea, but doesn’t really seem to fit reality.