Do I Have To…?

I got the chance last week to speak to a group of college women about rest. It reminded me that I (a) love speaking and (b) hate speaking. Who doesn’t love an indecisive woman…?

It was one of those nerve-wracking, sweaty armpit times where, as I go up to start talking, I can only beg that the Lord might use my imperfections to glorify Him. That, in all my lack of knowledge about things, He might still use it to point others toward Him.

The talk reminded me of things I was lacking in my life. In the midst of the busyness of camp-life, especially as summer approaches, have I been taking time to connect with Jesus? Or have I been finding my purpose in all the things I’m doing or have to do?  Do I take time to re-center, to re-focus…to remember who Jesus says that I am, to remember what He has done for me and to let that be enough?

Too easily we get swept up in all the ‘have-tos’ of this world and we forget the things that matter. We forget that if we’re not rooted in Jesus, the ‘have-tos’ have simply become distractions, they’ve become busy-work, they’ve become obligatory excuses that we allow ourselves to find purpose in. And then we wonder why we’re empty, why we’re exhausted, why we’re still so unfulfilled…

What is your list of ‘have-tos’ consist of right now?
Schoolwork? Reading? Ministry? Relationships? Jobs? Taking care of family? Religion?

What are the things that make you tired?
It’s one of the questions I asked the women the other day: what are you tired of?
And I gave them an opportunity to write it all out. Try it.

I’ve realized that when I’m doing things (even good things) and have lost sight of the Gospel, then something is wrong. The good things wear on me. The good things are exhausting. When I take my eyes off the bigger picture, even the ministry I’m involved with becomes a task that I sometimes I don’t want to do. Because I grow weary…

Suddenly my list of things I’m tired of grows and grows and grows and there’s nothing I’m not tired of. Because I’ve forgotten Jesus. I haven’t let Him be enough. I can’t take time to pause, to cease…to be starkly honest before the Lord and allow Him to remind me that He is enough.

Instead, my life is consumed by ‘have-tos’ instead of ‘get-tos’.
Instead of getting to hang out with people I truly care about, I suddenly feel like I have to. Instead of getting to plan and dream about starting up a program, I have to. The joy is stripped from it and the weariness sets in.

But what if I stop.
What if I cease.
What if I take just a moment to remember what the Lord has done. What if I take a minute to pause and come to Jesus. And what if I let that look like whatever it needs to look like in that moment (a hike, a prayer, reading Scripture, writing, going for a drive, falling flat on my face and letting Him pick me back up again, etc., etc.)…?

When is the last time that you stopped?
When is the last time that you remembered? Truly remembered all the Lord has done for you?

I sometimes think that if we’d regularly exist in this mindset, the ‘have-tos’ would quickly transform into ‘get-tos’. If we were constantly reminded of the grace that’s been given us, of how we’ve been saved from something we deserved (hell)….that it might not only change the way we approach our daily responsibilities, but it might radically transform our relationships with others and the way we long to share the goodness of the Lord in everything we do

I don’t think our lives here are intended to be lived in exhaustion. In fact, I’m quite sure that Jesus came so that we might have life and have it to the full. To me, that doesn’t mean walking around half-dead all the time. I want to live my life as a celebration– to approach my job, my friendships, my relationships, my responsibilities with joy.

I want to stop asking if I have to and simply relish the fact that I get to.

I get to live…for something abundantly greater than me.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me.
Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.
I’ll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me– watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…
Keep company with me and you’ll learn how to live freely and lightly.
–Matthew 11:28-30, The Message

Real rest is a real thing.
Learn it… let Him teach you.
Go to Jesus.

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