Being Beautiful

…I felt–no, not beautiful. Even on such a romantic day as this I could not persuade myself of that. I knew that my jaw was too square, my legs too long, my hands too large. But I earnestly believed–and all the books agreed–that I would look beautiful to the man who loved me.‘ -Corrie Ten Boom

I get to read a lot in graduate school. Did you read that right? Get to? Yes. Yes you did. While sometimes the reading is agonizing, sometimes you get to read something beautiful, insightful, challenging, eye-opening…sometimes you even learn something new. Weird, right?

The Hiding Place was my most recent conquest, and while my heart ached (and at one point, after women in a prison count the shots fired that ultimately killed 700 men one-by-one, I had throw the book across the table)…I was entranced by the beauty of the story. A story about the Holocaust. A story about death, despair and unimaginable living conditions… but it’s a story about hope.

Anyway– I’m not going to post about the Holocaust, or even really Corrie Ten Boom… but there’s my plug for that book. You should read it.

I am, however, going to talk about that quote above.
I think there’s a lot of freedom for us women in that quote.
Here’s why: even if we might be able to convince ourselves sometimes that we’re beautiful, it doesn’t ever seem to last for any amount of time. It’s a fleeting thought, a brief emotion, a ‘truth’ that we are ‘supposed’ to believe about ourselves and so we do everything we can to make what we think about ourselves line up with what we say we should think about ourselves. It’s really quite complicated…

I know that I can leave my house in the morning feeling quite confident in my appearance and then catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection of a window an hour later and be baffled that I ever left the house wearing that. Or, how come the mirror in my bathroom lied to me? My review mirror seems to be a much more accurate reflection of all the flaws on my face.

We ‘fix’ the things we can fix about ourselves, and we try to fix a whole lot more things less successfully. We spend hours maintaining our image…but at the end of the day, we’re sometimes left with jaws that are too square, legs that are too long, hands that are too large.

There’s only so much we can ‘fix’ about our appearance.
So at what point do we just accept that we are who we are? At what point do we say, ‘This is just what I look like and it’s going to have to do.’… and at what point can we be confident in that?

‘But I earnestly believed–and all the books agreed–that I would look beautiful to the man who loved me.

It’s only a little ironic that Corrie Ten Boom never got married…. but that doesn’t make what she wrote any less true. And isn’t there this flood of freedom that comes in that?
Maybe it’s just me.
But it’s a simple reminder that I can be exactly who I am and someday, somehow, for some unknown reasons… I earnestly believe that some man will choose me, that I will look beautiful to the man who chooses to love me for the rest of life (even on those ‘ugly’ days).

It dives in deeper than appearances, too. Sometimes, at the peak of my ‘weird’ moments, I think, ‘I wonder if I will ever be able to act like this around my husband someday…’. Because… I can be weird.

I earnestly believe that I will look and be beautiful to the man who loves me… even in my weird moods, even with no make-up, even with grey hair, even with wrinkles, even with flabby thighs and a triple chin. It’s gonna be awesome.

So, even if finding a man were the most important thing in your life… (because, it’s not…)?
I hope you recognize that you don’t have to be someone that you’re not. You don’t have to ‘fix’ yourself before anyone will ever think you’re desirable. It’ll happen. And for all those guys who seem to be passing you by right now? Just be thankful. Be thankful that God’s good in this, that He’s protecting you, that even when you don’t understand and you feel like you’re never going to be good enough, smart enough, pretty enough….. that He’s got this. He has your back.

Trust Him.
And trust Him that He’s going to provide someone for you who thinks you’re beautiful, no matter what you look like.

And, that’s actually a more beautiful thing to me than us altering ourselves and ‘fixing’ ourselves for men to want to be with us.

It’ll happen.
Be You.
In every way.
The fullness of who you were created to be.
May we find true joy there.

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Feeling Down

The comment:

I’m extremely blessed and lucky and have so much to be thankful for BUT sometimes it’s hard to not be down and want more. How can I live life to fullest and be thankful for my blessings while also knowing its ok to be down sometimes or how can I get out of that “down” feeling?

As easy as it is for me to spout off verses and quotes and great ideas for how to be content no matter your circumstances, it’s always a bit trickier than that. Because, you’re right. Sometimes, even when life seems to be going really well, it’s possible to just feel ‘down’. 

I think there’s this unsatisfied feeling that we’re occasionally going to enter into simply by existing here on earth. A feeling that, ‘This isn’t how it’s supposed to be.’… and maybe a few days later, you’ll feel the exact opposite. It’s the nature of our fallen world mixed with our crazy emotions, and sometimes our crazy hormones (yes ladies, unfortunately, I do believe that they can play a pretty big part on the ‘down’ feelings we encounter every month or so). 

The most crucial part of encountering the ‘down’ feeling is how we respond to it. It seems there’s a lot to be said for recognizing that this feeling doesn’t define us, and also not letting it dictate how we live our lives. 

What I mean by that is this: 
When I’m feeling down or can admit that something may not be how I want it to be in my life, regardless of the millions of things that I do have to be thankful for… it’s easy to slip into ‘pity-party’ mode. It’s easy to focus on the negative and to allow ourselves to only see what we are missing vs. what we have. Sometimes we allow ourselves to dwell so much in what we don’t have, that we begin to see ourselves in terms of what we are missing. Instead of choosing to live a life that’s filled with giving, serving, interacting with and loving others we may begin to isolate ourselves, spend time alone feeling sorry for ourselves, believe that other people want to have nothing to do with us. Our opinion of ourselves in the midst of our pity-party can become the lens in which we filter everything else through, often putting distance between ourselves and others. This typically allows room for lies to breed and for us to slip further into feeling sorry for ourselves (often times unnecessarily). 

Don’t feel like you have to fake your way out of the ‘down’ feeling. Actually, I think it’s really healthy for us to acknowledge the ‘down’ feelings…to acknowledge that they are real and that they have an effect on us. I think it’s good for us to admit this to ourselves, the Lord, and to others as we then choose to not live/dwell in that mindset. To be able to say, ‘I’m having a bad day, and I’m not even sure why…’, but then to persevere through that. There’s something really powerful in admitting what’s going on and then inviting others into the ‘down’-ness with you. Oftentimes surrounding yourself with others is a good way to be reminded that there’s much to laugh about and the things you are ‘down’ about and feel are lacking in your life are really quite trivial. 

Sometimes I think there’s also an okay-factor to just being ‘pathetic’ for a few hours or a night. To step into a comfortable place and to do things that are fairly mindless and purposeless (like chow down on some cookie dough while watching your favorite sit-com by yourself). I think the danger comes when that becomes our norm and seeking out others, being invested and involved in other things becomes the rare occasion. But, sometimes you just need a night alone. Sometimes a day just feels sucky (even in the midst of all the good stuff going on), and you need to veg out. I get it. Just don’t dwell there. 

And, I think there’s that whole being honest with the Lord factor that’s going to be vital here. Those times when you can tell Him all the things that you’re truly thankful for, but that you’re still just feeling down for whatever reason. The more you talk to Him (like really talk to Him), the more you’ll find yourself in a better place….even if sometimes that means in the middle you’re weeping and blabbering. When you continue to talk and push through all of that, He’s pretty good at reminding you of who He is, what His promises are, what He thinks of you, and what really matters in life. Try it. 

I think it’s fairly normal to have a ‘down’ day every now and again. But, if that’s your norm and you find yourself there all the time, even when you can recognize all the good stuff going on… I’d encourage you to seek out some professional help. Well, let’s be honest. I’d probably encourage everyone to seek out a counselor just because of how healthy and good it can be to have an unbiased party listening and offering insight into your life (and because I’m going into the field and I want your business……). 

While I said it was easy to throw some verses at you that sometimes don’t seem super helpful, I encountered one recently that I found especially insightful. Perhaps you’ve heard it before: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Despite what you’ve maybe heard about this verse (like that somehow in reciting it to yourself you would be able to fly to the moon and back), it has everything to do with finding contentment, no matter our circumstances. It has everything to do with God’s provision…that despite our poverty or our wealth….despite what we are lacking or what we have… that with Christ we are able to persevere through anything because of the strength He supplies us. 

I think it’s especially applicable as you are thankful for what you have and yet, sometimes, unsatisfied with what you do not have. Through Christ, through what He has already accomplished for us on the cross, we can endure….and because of that, contentment can be found (even if it’s not instantaneous). 

Life is hard. 
Truly it is. 
I think it’s unfair of us to expect and demand giddiness through the ‘down’ moments. And, I think that sometimes that as we persevere through the ‘down’ feelings and seek to live in a way that is honoring to the Lord… that we are learning more of what it means to live life to the fullest, that we are learning more of what it means to be truly thankful for the things that we do have. I think the more we choose to respond in a way that isn’t so focused on ourselves and our feelings of want, the more we step into a place of learning a truer meaning of sacrificial love. 

Be honest. 
Be real. 
Be raw. 
Remember that you’re a work in progress and allow the refining to happen, recognizing that it’s rarely an easy (or quick) process. 

It’s okay. 
It’s life. At least right now. 

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Girls and Boy Friends

(Below is a written dialogue between myself and blogger/friend, Bryn Clark…he’s a he, in case there’s any confusion. Check out his blog when you get a moment!) 

I asked a boy to get ice cream. 

What felt like a harmless gesture was immediately misconstrued…
‘What? Is ice cream the new coffee…? I’m confused.’ 

I laughed. It was funny. A little wit in response to all my blabbing about the complicated nature of the male/female relationship. I deserved it. 

But the thing is, I want to be friends with guys. Friends. I want to care about them as people, first and foremost, before I ever worry about them in a context that may be deeper and more intimate than that. 

I realize it’s tricky. I realize it’s risky. I realize that sometimes I may also have ulterior motivations. Does this mean I should never pursue friendship with them, though? Is it okay for me to want to know guys on a deeper level, to want to ask them questions, to want to care about their lives and how they’re doing…? And is it possible for me to do that without it being perceived as though I’m pursuing a romantic relationship with them? 

I think the question here shouldn’t be about your intentions so much as how those intentions are perceived. Unfortunately, perceptions are subjective even though intentions aren’t. That being said, there are “controls” that you can insert to ensure friendship is communicated as clearly as possible.

For instance, ask several guys out (okay, bad phrasing) to grab some ice cream. Not necessarily at the same time, but so that it’s understood not to be an isolated event. No one will be suspicious if you are known for having good chats over ice cream; they’ll just realize you like good chats and ice cream, even if it tends to be with a particular guy. But if you’re not known for being someone that pursues those things on a regular basis, then there might be some raised eyebrows. “What, she asked Randall to get ice cream? But she never eats ice cream”. Also, just a thought, try not to bat your eyelashes when you ask them.  

Another thing I would say is if you’re going to grab ice cream as friends, then talk as friends. C.S. Lewis in his book Four Loves makes the statement that: “Lovers are always talking to one another about their love; Friends hardly ever about their Friendship. Lovers are normally face to face, absorbed in each other; Friends, side by side, absorbed in some common interest.” When I get ice cream with friends, I talk about life, sports, ice cream and any girls I got coffee with that week. If you want to pursue a friendship with a guy, then pursue a friendship. I’ve had excellent conversations with girls who initiated them and didn’t think much of them because our conversations evolved around a mutual interest, a shared topic, a friendship. Of course, this isn’t to say that these chats can’t evolve into something more; everyone knows a lengthy conversations on mutual interests over snicker-doodle ice cream is the perfect spark for a luxuriously passionate (in a pure, abstinent, Christian kinda way, of course) relationship. 

On that note, consider this: you ask a guy to get ice cream (as friends)…  And say it goes super well, you sit, you talk, you have deep theological conversations that are as far as possible from whispering sweet nothings. If you walk away from that conversation and realize “Aw shewt. That was the type of conversation I wanna have when I’m ninety in a rocking chair” (meaning) “he’s really cute and definitely don’t just want to get to know him as a friend” then you’re intentions may have changed but you can’t assume his did. Don’t be frustrated when the guy you asked out as a friend doesn’t realize your intentions switched and then start pursuing you. We don’t have radars for these things.  

Whatever you do, don’t ask for coffee. I read somewhere once that was a bad idea, though I can’t remember where…

Thoughts? Rebuttal? Further insight? 

So, to clarify/sum up what Bryn has just said (and add in a few of my own thoughts, of course)… 

  • If a girl is going to pursue friendships with males, don’t make it exclusively one male and make sure it’s something you regularly do (as to not give the impression that you’re making special allowances for specific guys…unless you are and that’s a whole other blog post…). 
  • While hanging out, talk about things you’re both interested in/care about and not about the friendship/relationship (because, wouldn’t that just be a DTR?). In other words, don’t get caught up in all the ‘what-if’s of what the relationship could be, or the ways that you feel like your ‘friend’ isn’t meeting all your expectations. After all…how many times do we ever have to have those conversations with our same-gendered friends. If you’re really considering this guy just a friend, then treat him as such. Beyond deep conversations, be willing to just do things you both enjoy together. I heard/read somewhere (many times, places) that while women typically connect through conversation, men are much more likely to develop relationship through doing things alongside someone. In order to bridge the gap between the male/female differences, it might at times behoove us as females to be willing to do activities alongside men instead of expecting them to want to have deep heart-to-hearts over ice cream all the time.
  • There’s a need to be honest with yourself about your motivations and expectations…and to not place them upon the other person. If you recognize that you’re interested in the possibility of more, don’t expect this guy to (a) catch on or (b) reciprocate. 
In the end it still feels like a risky move, with the chance of getting some labels attached to you as you befriend males. 
BUT, I think I’m okay with it. 
I’m entering a stage in life where while I can recognize the challenges of the male/female relationship, I’m not 100% convinced that creating millions of boundaries and ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts’ are the way that we are instructed to co-exist. It’s good to be aware, but I feel that there’s an even greater importance in us females acknowledging that before a man is ever just a prospect for a future mate, that he matters infinitely more as another person. In other words, ladies… he’s not just a means to your end goal, but he’s very much a person with thoughts, feelings, struggles, weird quirks, passions, hopes, imperfections…(and I think you get the idea). 

He, as a person, matters and deserves to be treated like more than a guy who might ask you out on a date. 
I’m advocating for friendship. Friendship in spite of the awkwardness, the painfulness, the miscommunications that are sure to ensue… 

Because I think people matter. And I think that we are called to love… regardless of gender. 
I’m not sure If I’m supposed to tack on anything here at the end or not, mostly because I think you summed it up well. Objectification goes beyond pornography, lust and “thats what she said jokes”; it goes to the core of how we view each other and the perceptions we bring into every relationship. And yes, men have feelings. I promise. 

So girls don’t be afraid to pursue friendships with guys. Guys, check yo’ egos and realize she’s not always that into you. Because I agree with Debbie 100%, people matter.

Also, I like ice cream. Jus’ sayin. 

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A Response

Last night I nestled down to watch Zero Dark Thirty. About five minutes in, I realized it wasn’t exactly a ‘nestle-down’ kind of movie. The movie is about the hunt for Osama Bin-Laden.

This afternoon I settled into my three-hour class. About five minutes in, I realized it wasn’t exactly a ‘settle-into’ kind of class. The lecture was on the Holocaust.

Halfway through the class, things got even more unsettling as news of the Boston Marathon bombing leaked its way in through text messages, Facebook statuses, and news reports (don’t worry, I live about 25 miles north of the city and was well out of harms way).

It’s been twenty-four hours of being reminded that there is evil in this world, and it’s been twenty-four hours of contemplating what my response needs to be toward such events.

While the past tragedies and horror seem far off and distant, the one today was closer to home. Friends were calling friends who were running in or watching the marathon. Stories slowly began to surface of how people left the spot of the bombing just moments before they went off, or how, for whatever reason, there were decisions to not go to the marathon for the first time in years at the last minute. Little decisions. Little decisions that can change everything.

Our lecturer today asked us to consider how we ought to respond in the face of evil.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how we do respond and how we should respond.

It’s a lot to take in.
And while it’s easy to brush off past events because they aren’t often slapping us in the face, I think it’s vital for us to be aware. It’s shocking, it’s horrifying, it’s unbelievable… but it happened. It’s happening. Terror, despair, confusion, mass chaos caused by fear of explosions, raids, lives being taken…

There is evil in this world.

What is our response?
What should our response be?

Think about it.

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Expect More

Expect More.
The two simple words pounded on my heart, attempting to permeate through the door that stood strong as I found myself pining after and hoping for the seemingly unattainable.
Here I was, caught up the act of The Chase.
Could I get thatguy to want me?
Could that guy choose me over those girls?
He seems too cool, too perfect… too everything to want to date me. But what if he did?
There’s a certain mystery that surrounds him, an unknown facet that lures me in.
I don’t even really know him, but does it matter?
Expect More.
The Chase makes me wait for the slightest insinuation that he might possibly find me interesting. The Chase causes my heart to hope the impossible might be made possible when he smiles at me, when he stops and talks to me, when he initiates any contact with me.
The Chase encourages me to play games. Before I know it, I’m wrapped up in a world where I’m playing ‘hard-to-get’…because what guy wants an easy target (isn’t that what many of us girls have been told for much of our lives?). I intentionally ignore, I delay responses, my words are flirty and ambiguous…leaving room for my own mystery to prevail.
Expect More.
Once I’m caught up in The Chase, I don’t always recognize my reflection in the mirror.
Who have I become?
To what end will I continue to sacrifice elements of who I am because of the possibility that this guy might decide he’s interested in me?
How long will I wait?
What else will I give up?
How much time have I spent on processing through the endless list of ‘what-ifs’?
Expect More.
Too often we associate The Chase with something only men do, failing to realize the effect that it can also have on the female heart. Too often we are not willing to be honest with ourselves when we develop crushes or have significant interest in a guy. Too often we sell ourselves short, allowing our hearts to leap at a casual, meaningless smile from an attractive guy….even occasionally at the expense of the ‘normal-looking’ guy who sincerely cares about the state of our being.
Expect More.
Wouldn’t you rather a man who is honest, upfront and intentional in his pursuit over you over a guy who is unclear, ambiguous and unwilling to make any type of commitment to you?
Wouldn’t you rather a man who is thoughtful, considerate and careful with his words over a guy who sporadically thinks about you, expects you to cater to his own desires, and rarely offers any kind words toward you?
Wouldn’t you rather a man who inspires you, challenges you, and pushes you toward better over a guy who never asks you questions, never cares about what you’re doing, never expresses concern over your spiritual well-being?
Wouldn’t you rather a man who longs to really know you over a guy who won’t take the time, isn’t willing to ask the questions, and fails to really listen when you choose to open up to him?
Because sometimes what we need isn’t exactly what we think we want.
Expect More.
The Chase isn’t usually worth it.
It isn’t usually what we actually want, and it’s more than likely the opposite of what we need.
The Chase caters to lies that we end up believing about ourselves (and often the men that have become the object of our affections). It caters to division as we compete with other women as we hope (and try) to come out on top. It caters to us often becoming people we don’t like as we have the tendency to act outside of our norm as we play games, manipulate and control.
The Chase makes us settle, it causes us to be satisfied with little when we should be expecting more. It causes us to throw ourselves at men who are not exactly interested in us, and allows for us to become easy targets for them to take advantage of us physically and emotionally (whether they intend to or not). And sometimes these guys whom we chase after are legitimately incredible guys, but they just aren’t the incredible guy for us. He just might not be into us, and our floundering back and forth between playing games and making ourselves convenient to them is just… confusing.
Take an honest look at yourself, ladies.
Are you caught up in The Chase?
Expect More.
Surrender the thoughts, quit the behaviors, and live in a place where you truly allow yourself to believe that the Lord is good…to you…in this. You don’t have to chase, you don’t have to settle, you don’t have to try desperately ‘win’ his affections.
Expect More
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The Best is Yet to Come

When I eat Lucky Charms, I like to save as many marshmallows as possible until the very end. You see, they’re my favorite part of the cereal…so I want to eat them last.

When I eat a burger, I eat allllllll the way around the edges, saving the middle for the end. You see, the middle is my favorite part of the burger…so I want to eat it last.

I do the same thing with sandwiches (subs, included), quesadillas, hot dogs (yes, I love hot dogs), pizza, cake, cookies and any other food that you can possibly save the middle for last. I never eat my dessert first. Sometimes, when I have a really hard time choosing which food I like most, I have to take alternating bites of each food as I try to figure out which one should win the award of, ‘Last Bite’. Red and pink Starbursts get eaten last, as do the red Skittles.

If you haven’t picked up on the trend yet, I like to save the best for last.

While I could talk about food all day long, that’s not exactly what this post is about. I merely think that the way I eat food is an accurate representation of how I want my life to be. I want the best things to happen last…which mostly means I want life to keep getting better and better.

I can’t imagine existing in a world where I think that my ‘best years are behind me’. I can’t imagine finding contentment in believing that things won’t ever be better than what I’ve already experienced. It seems absurd to me.

Don’t get me wrong… better doesn’t necessarily mean easier. While I can sometimes pine after the days when I never had to care about gas prices, or think twice about what dinner was going to be… there’s something better about being older, having independence, and figuring out my way through life. There’s something better about learning the good through the pain, through taking risks, through experiencing the depth that often accompanies relationships with others. There’s something better about knowing how to ride a bike, even though it might have taken a few falls and bloody noses to get there.

There’s something beautiful about learning…and seeing how The Better comes into fruition, even if it’s not necessarily painless or easy.

I think it’s beautiful because there’s always something to hope for, always something to look forward to, always a reminder that this isn’t it. And, beyond life here on earth… there’s the abundantly better that awaits us in eternity.

It’s exciting to me.
I hope it is to you, too.

The best is yet to come. Frank Sinatra was onto something… (even if the song is primarily about a romantic relationship).

Even when it’s hard, even when it seems like the best years of your life are in the past, even as the gray hairs emerge, the wrinkles begin to form, and the aches and pains come from the very activities that used to be a breeze…. there’s still much to hope for.

Seize the fullness of your present lives, knowing that each day has potential to better than yesterday was.

May our lives keep getting better and better (even if they sometimes feel harder), as we are molded, refined, shaped, and learning the fullness of what it means to be more like Jesus.

Saving the best for last…until the day when the best becomes all we know.

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Too Soon?

Have you ever wondered after a break-up, ‘How soon is too soon to start dating again…?’

It’s an interesting question and usually warrants a million more questions. Some like to stick to some formula that makes them sleep better at night. Something along the lines of ‘double the amount of time that you dated, and then you should be ready’….or, maybe it’s the opposite: ‘take half of the time that you were dating and you should be good to go!’

I’ve never been one for any sort of specific time frame though. Who am I to tell that person who just got out a long, serious relationship that they shouldn’t be dating someone else a few weeks later? What do I know? How many times have I been wrong and watched the most unlikely couples make it, even if they seemed spawned out of a rebound of a situation? A lot, is the answer.

A friend asked me recently if I felt like I was ready to date again, and if I was, how long I had felt that way. Their answer was quite different than mine, as the three year relationship that ended two years ago was still keeping them from really wanting to pursue other relationships. It reminded me that people are people…which means that we’re all uniquely wired and our experiences are incredibly different.

While I felt like my break ups had pushed me into a greater understanding of who I am, who the Lord is, and what type of person I should probably be with (which allowed me to feel pretty ready for whatever was next somewhat quickly), there are other instances where relationships inspire and give life to the point where you can’t imagine anyone else ever doing the same. Those break ups take more time to recover from. The type of break ups where hearts are broken, where hope is lost and you truly can’t imagine life without the other person.

The thing about setting up some sort of time frame for when you should be over someone is this: rarely does anything happen when you want it to…especially matters of the heart. How devastating is it when you reach that point in time when you decided you would be over that person and realize that you actually aren’t? What types of emotions set it in? Suddenly the wound has room to grow, and the pain becomes intensely searing again as lies tumble in, reminding you of how big of a loser you are for not yet being over the guy who dumped you for another girl. Or, what if you’ve established a time frame and the guy/girl you’ve been hoping for suddenly enters into the equation before you’re ‘ready’? Shoot… better wait, eh?

Sometimes we just want to be done with the pain that accompanies the break up, so we try to rush through it quickly. I know for me, there’s an element of, ‘I’ve done break-ups before’….so I kind of feel like I know what steps I need to take in order to ‘get over someone’. I’m familiar with the pain and so I try to get through that as fast as I can so I can get onto whatever’s next.

It’s not so easy.
Because even though I can think I’m over someone, sometimes I don’t realize how not ready I am to date again until I’m confronted with the possibility of what dating someone else could look like. I wrote the following once when ‘moving on’ became a reality:

I want healing.
I want to trust again. 
But, I feel broken. 
There’s a part of me that thinks that if I just write enough, if I process enough, that I can figure it out…that I can fix myself. There’s a part of me that thinks that if I just run away from it all, that it won’t come back to haunt me again.
But it does. 
In the quiet places, in the secret rooms of my heart…a storm is brewing. It makes me second-guess people, it makes me assume the worst, it causes me to believe that there is no one good and it is better for me to be alone. 
Open my heart again? 
Open my heart up to someone who isn’t the screaming version of perfection that I desire…again? It didn’t work last time–why would it work this time? Would I even want it to? 

There’s not a ‘set time’ for when it’s ‘too soon’ to start dating again…but, I think it’s vital for us to have an awareness of what we are bringing with us into our next relationship. It’s vital for us to know our wounds and our hurts and to have an understanding of how that might affect the way that we communicate with, relate to and trust our next significant other.

I think we kind of know when we’re moving on too quickly, when we’re moving on to fill the void, when we’re moving on to replace the pain with someone who makes us feel wanted and worthy again. Be willing to avoid the temptation of the rebound, to avoid rushing into something because it feels easier to be with someone than to be alone… but don’t be scared of entering into a good relationship because it’s ‘too soon’ according to some time frame you’ve created for yourself (or you feel like others have placed on you).

In the end, we’re all messy people bringing in lots of baggage into relationships (even if you’ve never dated before….sometimes the fact that you’ve haven’t dated causes you to bring in a whole new type of baggage). I think it’s only by the grace of God that relationships even have a chance of success…

Just be smart. Know yourself. Pray a lot. Seek wise council.
There’s not a right answer to this one.
Sometimes the healing just takes time…and sometimes there’s a new person just waiting for you to get out of that relationship and you should seize the opportunity, knowing that healing will come as you journey into a new relationship with them. It’s all crazy and all over the place… but there’s no formula for it.

You know if it’s too soon.
You also know if you’re just scared and running from good things and using the ‘too soon’ as an excuse.

Be honest with yourself.
Your actions don’t just affect you anymore…

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Two Steps Forward

I started a new journal recently.

The blank pages before me were inviting as I saw a chance to write a different story than the one I had previously been writing. It felt like a fresh start… a blank slate (quite literally).

I had closed out the last page of my old journal and was ready for something new, something different…something good. I no longer wanted the same things to define me, I no longer wanted to be caught up in the cyclical patterns of life that seemed to drone on and on with this overwhelming feeling that nothing ever changes.

Have you ever felt like that about a new journal? Have you ever felt like that about life….whether that was going to a new job, a new school, a new city, a new church, etc.? That maybe this was your chance for things to be different? Truly different?

The journal seemed only a metaphor for my life. While I had, yes, moved across the country and started a ‘new’ life…it was time for me to really seize the newness, and this journal, by golly, was going to reflect that.

Page one was full of optimism as my dreams of ‘what could be’ kept me soaring…almost like the start of the New Year. But as I sat down to write for a second time, I was plagued by a sameness. I could write something that gave an illusion that my life was not marked by the same fears, doubts, disappointments, concerns, questions… but, it would be a lie. And, what’s the point of journaling if you’re fabricating everything you write?

It was frustrating. And defeating.
And it reminded me that we can run from ourselves and our problems without dealing with the real issue at hand. That while I may have started a new life and am doing new things… there’s a sameness to my life. I am the same. My interests are the same, the type of people I typically connect with are the same, my sins are the same, my dreams are the same, my fears are the same… and maybe that’s okay.

It was just one of those times when I wanted to be done with me and the junk I had gotten so accustomed to dealing with. I think, on some level, there’s a part of me that in moving hoped that lots of things would be different. A fresh start, if you will. But I’m still me.

Maybe change is more gradual than I want it to be sometimes. Maybe dreams don’t come true over night. Maybe they take time, hard work and perseverance and you might sometimes feel like you’re failing before you ever feel like you’re succeeding. Maybe I’m becoming a better person all the time, but I’m still an imperfect person who still messes up….but maybe I’m taking two steps forward and only one back.

Sometimes I get hung up on the failing and the step backward and forget that perhaps there is some forward momentum. That maybe I don’t need a completely fresh start. That maybe there are already some good components in the mix and change is happening, even if I don’t always feel like that’s the case.

I’m telling a story. So are you.
I think they’re good stories, even if sometimes they feel a little ‘blah, blah, blah’-ish. Because, in the end, I don’t really think we’re the same people that we started out as. I have to believe that, over time, and by the grace and mercy of the Lord, that we are truly being sanctified through and through.

There are lots of blank pages to fill up, and even if sometimes it feels like I’m saying the same thing over and over again… I think, somewhere in me, I know that change is happening.

I’m hopeful that it is.
For all of us.
A moving towards better, even as we fail, screw up, let ourselves and others down…
Two steps forward.
It’s slow, and sometimes agonizing, but it’s happening.

I’m thankful.

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Take a Chance on Me?

The comment:

I don’t date…like ever. Yet, every time I have a potential man in my life (or even just in conversations with guy friends), men are always surprised that I don’t get attention from other guys. I don’t get asked out. I don’t get pursued. But I get told by guys (who don’t know otherwise) that they’re SO SURE I’ve got guys chasing me. Or they think I’m out of their league. Why do guys say this stuff? I know my lack of a dating life is due in part to my awkwardness and insecurities. But am I just getting skipped over by guys who assume I have other options? If I was a gorgeous supermodel, I would understand. But I’m just a normal girl. And I can’t be the only girl in this position. Why won’t guys take a chance on me?

It’s a two-fold question, so I’ll try to address them both accordingly.

I did ask around to a few guys, wondering in what context they might tell a girl that they were ‘SO SURE’ that she would have guys chasing them. To me it sounded like the common exchange between girls (you know, all the comforting things that girls say to each other when it comes to relationship advice that helped with the success of He’s Just Not That Into You). The first few guys I talked to seemed a bit baffled that any guy would ever tell a girl those things. They wanted more information on the situation at hand in order to correctly assess why guys might say that to a girl.

The next guy I talked to provided a bit more insight into why he might tell a girl that. His reasons were the following:

  1. He’s currently in a relationship. This frees him up to be more encouraging without the fear of leading the single girl on. He can acknowledge that the single girl is cool and although he’s not interested, he can see traits and characteristics in her that other guys would also think are quality. 
  2. He’s been shot down by the girl he is telling this to (whether she knew it or not). Mostly this means that while he thinks she’s incredible, she’s made it very clear to him that she would never give him the time of day. Therefore, he may offer up his opinions of how great she is but never pursue it because he’s certain that he doesn’t stand a chance on any romantic level. 
  3. He’s moving in the direction of pursuing her, but he’s not there just yet. He’s still sorting through things, taking his time…but he wants the girl to know that she is worth it. 
Again, it’s one guy… but his reasons make sense to me. So, there’s maybe an answer as to why guys tell you that stuff. If they’re your friends, it never hurts to ask… if you’re cool with awkward confrontation, that is. 
As far as your second question goes… I don’t know. 
We’re all a bit awkward and insecure, on some level. 
I doubt you’re getting skipped over by guys who ‘just assume you have other options’. There’s probably a million factors that go into it and without knowing anything about you, it’s hard to offer any sort of specific advice. 
But, I tend to come back to the same thing…
At the end of the day, I don’t think it matters a whole lot how ‘intimidating’ or ‘out of their league’ or how ’emotional’ or ‘crazy’ or ‘quiet’ or ‘introverted’ or ‘extroverted’ we are. I think there’s a ton of things us women tell ourselves that we need to be more of or less of…and maybe then we’ll meet the guy we’re going to marry because we’ll finally be the perfect specimen that attracts the perfect male. I just don’t think it works like that. 
I don’t know why guys won’t take a chance on you right now… but I believe that someday, someone will. I think that someday, somehow, for some reason… it just happens. I think it, because I’ve seen it happen over and over and over again. And it wasn’t because the girls started doing something different, or doing something right, or being someone other than who they are…. it just happened. Even in the fullness of their craziest moments, someone chose them…and kept choosing them. It’s a pretty beautiful thing, really. 
While I wish I could give you some easy solution to this dilemma, I’m glad that I can’t. Because I think there’s something good for us as we sit in the unknown, as we wait in the dark, as we wrestle with finding value in ourselves outside the context of romantic, earthly relationships. 
As heart-wrenching as it can be to exist in a place where you feel like no one is willing to take a chance on you, I’d keep encouraging you to just keep waiting. It’s excruciating at times, but I truly believe that it’s so worth it. The more we try to mold ourselves into something we are not, the more we try to fabricate circumstances to meet our own agendas, the more we spend time pining after guys who are never going to show interest in us…. the more pain and despair we seem to enter into. 
Someday someone will take a chance on you. 
In the meantime…? 
Don’t let that be the thing that defines you, the thing that consumes you, the thing that motivates you or drives you. 
Even in the most lonely, self-pitying moments that you encounter….cling to the hope that there’s more to our existence than our relationship status, than some guy deciding that we’re worth taking a chance on. Because, that’ll happen at some point… but if we haven’t gotten it through our head and hearts that there’s Someone infinitely greater that has already given everything for us, then we’re missing the most crucial piece of the puzzle. 
I want to reassure you.
You’re not alone in these feelings. 
But, it’s how you choose to respond to the feelings that matters. 
Keep waiting… and yes, sometimes the waiting will be horrible and feel like eternity… 
You’re (most likely) not doing anything wrong. 
Keep walking further into who you were made to be, and let everything else fall into place as it should. 
It’ll happen. 
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Decisions, Decisions…

The comment: 

I’m a super indecisive person. Decisions are hard and even scary. Usually, I can make due by either letting other people make decisions or by just not deciding and suffering the consequences. But now, I’m looking for colleges, making life plans, deciding my future. It’s overwhelming. It’s paralyzing. What if I make the wrong decisions or mess everything up! I can’t let others decide this sort of stuff because I’m the one who has to daily live with and in the decisions.  

I’m not really good at the whole “let go, let God” thing. Im a worrier as well. I don’t really know how to pray for guidance or allow Him to guide me to a decision.  

I’ve only felt God/HS say NO/YES once when it comes to plans and that was regarding my summer schedule. I felt like I was confident and sure of where I did and didn’t need to be. I’m not sure how to get back to that point where I can sense the plans God has for me? I don’t think remaining paralyzed by fear is God pleasing but deciding the “wrong thing” probs isn’t either. I struggle with trusting God with my decisions and seeing what God has planned for me.

Well, the good news is that you’re not alone. The bad news is that that doesn’t really help in making the decisions any easier.

I think you have some good thoughts already forming. It isn’t good for you to let others decide things for you because, yes, you’re the only one actually living your own life. And, you’re right… I don’t think that being paralyzed by fear is what God intends for us at all.

I think we too often get caught up in wanting God to speak to us in very clear and audible terms. It would make it much easier if He could just tell us everything He’d like for us to do and every turn to make when we get to another dead end. Unfortunately, it doesn’t usually work that way.

So, we’re left with some decisions. We can either stay paralyzed in our fear, or we can do something. I think we’re often so scared of doing the wrong thing, that we don’t do anything at all… and that’s exactly the opposite of what God is asking us to do. I just think there’s a lot less ‘wrong’ choices than we think, especially when it comes to picking out schools and deciding on majors and jobs and all the choices we’re faced with as we continue to get older. I mostly think that God is calling us to be obedient to Him wherever we are, doing whatever we are doing.

I heard a good sermon on this a few weeks back, actually. Using Romans 1, the pastor reminded us that we are all called to obedience, we are called to belong to Christ, and we are called to to holiness. Essentially this means that there’s a lot of room for us to make choices as long as we are living in the fullness of these things. Being obedient, finding our identity in Him and walking in holiness.

So, as you’re choosing schools… I don’t necessarily think there’s a wrong choice. There may be schools that will be better equipped to help prepare you for what you are going to do with the rest of your life, but you may not even know what that is right now. I think that’s okay. Consider what you think is important in a school and why you think it’s important. There are tons of factors that go into the decision, but, at the end of the day, I don’t think that you’re going to make a wrong choice… especially if you are seeking Him wholeheartedly.

There’s nothing to be fearful of. It all works out. Talk to older, wiser people, but definitely don’t feel like you have to do what they said just to please them. It is your life…and only you can know fully what you feel equipped for, called to (vocationally), and gifted in. Others might help in pointing those things out to you, but until you accept them fully for yourself, you’ll never step into them completely.

I do think there are probably times in life when God specifically calls us to specific places for specific seasons in our lives… I just don’t think that’s always the case. Like, I probably could have gone somewhere different for graduate school, or for undergrad, or even a different camp to work at full-time… and while my experience would have been drastically different, I don’t necessarily think that they would have been wrong.

The cool part is that God already knows what you’re going to choose, where you’re going to go, who you’re going to meet, and how you’re going to live.

Make some decisions and make them knowing that you’ve committed your life wholly to Christ… and if you’re truly dedicated and intending on living a life of full surrender… I honestly think that everything is going to fall into place, no matter which school you pick.

Be obedient in love… no matter where you are.
Find your worth and your identity in Him…no matter where you are.
And strive for holiness, for being set apart… no matter where you are.

I pray that you find the freedom to make decisions, trusting fully that the Lord is good and that He longs for you to pursue the things you love, the things you are passionate about, the things you are gifted in…and that He has created you that way for a perfect reason.

There’s less to worry about when we can fully believe that maybe there are multiple right decisions to choose from….and that we get to choose!

Embrace it. It’ll be okay.

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