Being Cute Sucks.

You’ve just spent hours getting ready. Your legs are smooth, every hair is in place, your make-up is applied perfectly. You actually like your reflection in the mirror and you can’t help but admire how well this dress is fitting you. You might just turn a few heads tonight…

You’re feeling super confident until you hear this…

‘You look cute!’


How old am I, anyway?
I suppose ‘cute’ is better than ugly, but no woman really wants to hear that they are cute. Do they…?

I don’t know if guys really realize how different words can take on different meanings in the female mind (especially for those of us who over-analyze), but here’s a little heads up:

  • Cute: When you tell us we’re cute, it makes us feel childish. That our attractiveness has suddenly been minimized to pigtails with bangs, wide-eyes and toothless grins. We giggle now, because that’s what girls do. Cute is very much a word for girls but not a word for women. Once we’re 13, no girl really wants to be told their cute. 
  • Lovely: When you tell us we’re lovely, it makes us feel like a Victorian possession that is delicate, fragile, elderly…or almost like we’re right out of Downtown Abbey (which may not be a bad thing for some ladies). Lovely often feels more like a personality trait than it does a commentary on our physical appearance. Lovely isn’t terrible, but it isn’t awesome, either. Men- you can do better than lovely
  • Sexy: When you tell us we’re sexy, it makes us feel objectified. Well, some might argue about that. This is one you need to tread carefully with, as different females will take it different ways. I personally wouldn’t mind being called sexy every once in a while, especially by my significant other when that’s the look I’m trying to achieve. From a random dude on a sidewalk? No thanks. 
  • Hot: When you tell us we’re hot, we get confused. Do you think that I’m physically overheated, or do you think that I look good? Some girls hate to be called hot. Some girls love it. It has somewhat of a trashy feel to it though…like no boyfriend should really ever tell his girlfriend that she’s hot. There are much better adjectives to use that will go over a lot better. Let’s keep this one reserved for the celebrities. 
  • Nice: When you tell us we look nice, we tend to think that you have nothing really good to say about our appearance so this is what you’ll resort to. A “compliment” for when you don’t actually have a compliment. It’s apathetic, it’s a place to settle. This is one of the worst things you can say to us. 
  • Pretty: When you tell us we’re pretty, we’re mostly just wondering why you didn’t say we were beautiful. We’re wondering what we could have done to achieve a ‘beautiful’ comment instead of just a ‘pretty’ one. It’s like one step down…like getting second place. No one ever wants to come in second… 
  • Beautiful: When you tell us we’re beautiful, we can’t help but radiate. Somehow, when you tell us we’re beautiful, we know that it goes deeper than outward beauty but simultaneously includes it. When you tell us we’re beautiful, we feel like women who are cherished and admired by you. We feel like we won the prize. You can never tell us we’re beautiful enough. 

I realize it’s silly and that it’s mostly a matter of semantics. Sometimes you may feel bored telling a women she is beautiful every day and so you try to spice it up by telling her she’s lovely and, before you know what hit you, you’re having to console her because she doesn’t feel like you think she’s beautiful anymore.

We’re crazy.
This happens.
To women alll over the world.

In the end, it’s not up to you men to make sure your women know they are beautiful. You can’t ever do it. No matter how often you tell her that she’s the most beautiful person in the world, she won’t fully believe you. There’s something deeper than you can’t fulfill, and she can’t expect you to.

But, despite all that… it’s much appreciated when you do make the effort, when you do constantly tell us we’re beautiful, when you affirm us even when you feel like we won’t hear you. Keep it up… and know that somewhere in us we do hear, we do receive, and we need it!

Ladies- I know it may be disappointing when men don’t say the exact right thing to you at the exact right time. I pray that we can be women who can see the intention behind what they are saying and let that mean more to us than the actual words they use. That we can be women who aren’t insulted when a man calls us ‘cute’, but that we are thankful for his willingness to put himself out there. And, ultimately, that we would be women who are seeking our validation and worth from the Lord and not from men. That we wouldn’t expect men to be the ones who sustain us and how we view ourselves, but that our confidence in our appearance (both internal and external) would come from the One who created us. The men can only do so much, so let’s not make them feel like complete failures in their quest to dote on us!

Men- thanks to those of you who try, who care, who make this a priority in your relationships. Most women need these words of affirmation and need to know that their men think they’re beautiful, even if that doesn’t fulfill them in the end. Keep pouring out, pouring out, and pouring out…

And ladies… let’s not be so demanding, so needy, so desperate for men to validate us. Let’s not be so confined to making sure they do and say things the way that we think they ‘should’.

We’re a complicated mess, unfortunately.
Thank God we have been redeemed.

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Being Dumb

Do you ever do dumb things?
Just like… dumb things… and have to pay the consequence for them…?

The other night I spent a few hours at my brother’s house. When I went out to my car, it wasn’t there. I patrolled the street slowly, with my clicker in hand…hoping that I was temporarily blind and forgetful. I was sure I would see the flashing headlights or hear the beep and my car would suddenly appear in a place that I just had absentmindedly forgotten I had parked it.

After several minutes of the fruitless search, I headed back to my brother’s house and gave them the unfortunate news: “Guys, my car is gone. I think someone stole it.” My brother and sister-in-law didn’t seem to believe me, which may have been due to my smile and lack of panic in my voice. If I’m being honest, some small part of me was thinking about how I had wanted to get a new car lately and this was a good enough reason to do it… that all was, of course, immediately followed with the million inconveniences of having a car stolen.

My brother and I went out to the street, walking up and down, checking side roads and eventually he decided I should call the cops.

“Uhh, hi. I’m calling because my car is missing…?” I wasn’t really sure the best way to report such an incident.
“What type of car is it?”… (it’s better if you can imagine that in your best Boston accent).
He quickly told me that my car had been towed for parking in front of a driveway.

$176 and an hour later, I was back in my car again…driving away from the gates of the towing company.

It was one of those dumb moments. Moments where you do something and it costs something. It cost me a good chunk of money, and it cost my brother a bit of time… and it was just stupid. I remember looking to my brother and saying, “Why does stuff like this even happen? It’s just dumb.”

Because it is dumb. I even double-checked where I parked and still failed to realize it was in front of a driveway, which makes me feel even dumber.

It’s kind of made me think about how we respond to things like this in life. Part of me wanted to cry because it felt unfair. I also wanted to get mad at the tow truck guy, or annoyed with the cop, and even in the midst of trying to get cash and not knowing my debit card pin number (which was another whole ordeal) I want to scream at my brother. Because somehow it’s everyone else’s fault that I did something stupid, right?

But no.
It was my fault.
And it was stupid.
And it cost me something. I have to pay the consequences when I do stupid things, even when they’re unintentional. Reality check.

So instead of getting angry and blaming my own stupidity on everyone else, there had to be an alternative reaction. I chose to laugh. I chose to be kind to the cop, I chose to be kind to the tow truck guy (also recognizing that I had just made him come do me a favor late on a Sunday night). It helped when I called my mom up on the way home to tell her how stupid her daughter is and she laughed for almost the whole phone conversation.

Because- what else are you going to do?
Sometimes you just do stupid things… and it’s not the end of the world. Sometimes you do stupid things and you have to pay the price… but it is what it is. It’s easy to want to re-do it, to wish a thousand times over that you could go back and park somewhere different… but you can’t. And so you move on. You pay the price and you move on.

I don’t know if you’ve done any dumb things lately… dumb things that may have had a cost to them. But, I hope that you haven’t let the frustration consume you. I hope you haven’t let the frustration soak in and violate your character or integrity. I hope that you haven’t blamed someone else for your misfortune (especially if it was your dumb mistake).

I hope that we can be people, even in the midst of our stupidity (because we all have stupid moments)…who treat others with honor and respect and love. I hope we can laugh. And I hope we can move on. While, yes, it feels like a waste of money and yes, it feels like a perfectly avoidable thing… it still happened… and it’s okay. Life goes on.

So, let’s laugh at our occasional moronic-ness, let’s move on, and let’s not blame others for things that aren’t their fault. Let’s not be a jerk to the people doing their jobs…but let us still love them well, even if it puts us out some.

This too shall pass (even if it feels like a big dent in your wallet right now).

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Dating Changes Things

I went on a sweet hike with my friend, Eduardo, today. Okay, his name isn’t actually Eduardo… but it’ll do for now. His name isn’t really the point of the blog.

The hike was great. Challenging…lots of uphills with some good spots for bouldering our way to the top. At one point he was off in man-land (you know, where he gets distracted with different routes and cooler paths to take, barely aware of my existence) while I was sticking strictly to the trail marked by white arrows.

I stood, close to the top of the peak, watching him at a distance shimmy up cracks and rocks debating on whether or not I should be annoyed that he had just ditched me without uttering a word. I decided I didn’t care at all and kept going along my merry way.

That’s when it hit me: If we were dating, I would probably be so frustrated.

Frustrated, or get my feelings hurt that he (a) hadn’t told me he was going a different route, or (b) that he even wanted to take a way that didn’t include me. Because, when you’re dating… there’s all these crazy expectations that form and suddenly a fun hike has potential to turn into a disaster of misunderstandings and arguments often backed by selfishness.

The more I pondered it, the more I realized how ridiculous it was. Ridiculous that I could go hang out with my friend Eduardo and not care if he ditched me for a few minutes to take his own adventure and not care if he said stupid things or burped or poked fun at me occasionally…but if we had been dating, the entire day might have gone differently because of how upset I may have been.

So I don’t know if this is just a ‘me’ thing, or if this is actually a ‘girl’ thing… but I think I’ve talked to enough girls to know that most of the time when I encounter a ‘me’ thing, there’s usually at least a handful of other girls who also deal with the same type of stuff. When I start dating someone, something changes in the relationship to cause expectations to rise. When I start dating someone, I’m suddenly c.r.a.z.y. about things I would have normally not cared about.

I don’t want to be that girl.
I imagine that none of us want to be that girl.
So how do we not be that girl?
How do we remain the cool girl that can remain independent, carefree, able to laugh at dumb jokes, not care about burping, and poke fun back without letting it attack the security of the relationship?
How do we not let expectations ruin us and our relationships as we find ourselves transforming into wretched women we barely recognize who are controlling, worried, and insecure?
How do we be women who are supportive of our men’s adventurous sides, their goofy personalities, their humanness (which are probably actually things that attracted us to them in the beginning…)?

I don’t know.
Honestly, I don’t.
But, I think there’s something to being aware of it…to being aware of your tendencies to hold your significant other to an impossibly high standard that he’ll never measure up to. It may also be wise for you to have other women in your life who can help you maintain a healthy perspective of your relationship.

Because you should be able to really enjoy those types of things with your man. You should be able to enjoy an intense hike, allow him to wander off and do his own thing for a bit without it ever affecting you or making you feel insecure about your relationship or that he’s not doing something he’s ‘supposed’ to do. He should be able to go crazy in the wild!

We have to drop our expectations, especially when it comes to ridiculous things like this.

I was telling Eduardo about my realization in the car on the way back and as we talked about it, he said, ‘You’re onto something. You should really remember this for when you’re in a relationship again.’

And he’s right.
I should.
I need to.
I must.

Because I want to be able to take fun hikes, and do crazy things, and let my man be exactly who he is without me getting in the way. Without silly, unrealistic expectations….without my own fears and insecurities and selfishness interfering. I want to be able to encourage him to go off and do the very same things he would do if I wasn’t there. I don’t want him being with me to change that. I want to be confident in who we are and how he feels about me.

So for all you ladies who are currently in relationships and struggling with this… I’d really encourage and challenge you to have fun again. To try and erase the expectations that set both of you up to fail. To erase the unrealistic standards that you have for him. This is where it may help for you to talk through these things with someone else. And, before you bring up frustrations or hurt feelings with him, filter through it all and see what is valid and what is not. Are you stifling who he is by demanding that he do everything a certain way (your way, most likely)? Are you allowing him the freedom to be a man who loves adventure and taking risks and burping and being goofy (or whatever other things that make him who he is, whatever other things he is passionate about and good at)?

Sometimes the fun gets sucked out of relationships because we are so intent on making our relationships look a certain way instead of letting them just be what they are: two imperfect people joining forces as they learn how to love each other in the midst of their own junk. It’s hard. But it doesn’t need to be miserable. And every relationship is going to look different–you can’t compare!

Let him be himself…
And find yourself as you explore your own trails and take your own adventures without him constantly by your side (and without fuming about the fact that he’s not by your side).

Be friends. Friends who don’t have to care about all those little things and can just truly enjoy a day out in creation together.

(And yes, you can remind me of all of this if I’m ever in a relationship again…because, I’m sure I’ll need it).

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When Girls Put It Out There

The comment (in response to ‘Guys Can’t Read Minds…?‘): 

What about when the woman puts herself out there and then is…left hanging? 

Hrmmm, what about that, indeed…? 
You bring up a good question and it’s one I haven’t necessarily broached because of the whole traditional model of men pursuing women that I usually like to adhere to (key word here being usually). While it’s initially never my intent to pursue the man, there are still moments where I’ve ‘put it all out there’ because I can’t take it anymore… 

There are those instances where the friendship line gets blurry and for the sake of my own sanity, I’ve definitely broken the ‘a woman must always wait for a man to express how he feels about her first’ mold. I’ve usually regretted it. But sometimes I just needed to clear the air in order to really, truly move on. 

Because, what I’ve discovered is that when a guy hasn’t said something, it almost always means he’s not interested. Especially in the moments when I’m left hanging…

The moments where you say something that’s (to you) very clearly indicating a, ‘hey, I like you… what do you think?’… and then you get nothing back. 

My question for you is: did you literally say those words? Did you actually straight-up tell the guy that you’re interested in him and get no response? 

I think us ladies like to think we put ourselves out there, but sometimes our ‘putting ourselves’ out there is actually this weird, ambiguous thing that guys don’t always catch onto. Maybe sometimes, if they’re also interested in us, they will…and maybe sometimes, when they aren’t interested, they still do…they just use our ambiguity as an excuse to not have to have the awkward ‘I’m not into you like that’ conversation. But, sometimes they just don’t catch on. 

So… have you really put yourself out there? Have you left no room for doubt his mind that you’re romantically interested in him? Or did you just pay him more attention than you do other guys, or flirt extra flirty, or say something that might possibly insinuate the fact that you have feelings beyond friendship for him…without actually saying that? Or do you use a thousand emoticons every time you text him? Or initiate conversations and hang-outs to the point where he just has to know? If you haven’t straight up told him…you can’t be sure he knows anything at all. 

I don’t typically advise women to ‘put themselves out there’ unless it seems like the best step in moving on/getting over someone/clarifying friendships. I don’t typically advise it because I’m a firm believer that men will usually be proactive about pursuing girls they’re interested in. Ask most men and they’ll tell you this is true.

But- if you’ve put yourself out there (like really, truly done it) and he’s giving you nothing? I’d say the lack of his responding to you is your answer. Let it go. Or, confront him on it and have the awkward conversation if you think that’s what you need to do…if you think that’s the only thing that will give you closure so you can move on.  

If you’ve put yourself out there in the ‘not really put yourself out there’ sort of way and you feel like you’re left hanging? You’re either reading into things too much because he has no idea you’re interested OR he’s not interested and he’s pretending like he hasn’t noticed you ‘putting yourself out there’…  at this point you should just let it go and try not to worry so much about it. Or, if it’s another one of those moments where you just feel like you have to say something and it’s driving you mad, you’re going to have to be a bit more clear in your putting yourself out there. And, try not to read into everything if you haven’t really made yourself clear. He may not be leaving you hanging at all and you’re just driving yourself crazy for no reason in the meantime. 

Regardless of if you’ve really put yourself out there, or just kind of think you have… and you’re left hanging? My response is the same: it sucks, but you have to remember that this doesn’t define you. His lack (or apparent lack) of romantic interest in you doesn’t determine who you are, it doesn’t take away from your value, it doesn’t mean that any great guy that you’re interested in will never like you back. 

Maintain perspective…even when you’re left hanging. Confront it, if you really feel like you must… but in most situations, I feel like the best response is to move on, to let it go, to let it be. To trust that there’s someone else, and that he’s better suited for you than this guy. There’s someone else who won’t leave you hanging. There’s someone else who will put it all out there for you first…. someone else who will never make you wonder. 

So… move on. 

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Secret Life

Do you have a secret life?

I have a friend who has recently been extremely distraught by the idea of a ‘Secret Life’. Distraught because of the ways the secrets and lies have caused destruction and despair. It led to a moment of, ‘Is there anyone really seeking after a godly life in this world?’ I don’t blame her. If I think about the hidden junk too much, I’m in agony as well.

As she shared some of the horrors she’s encountered lately, I couldn’t really wrap my mind around it. I began to wonder: do I have a secret life? Is there stuff about me that people would be surprised by if they found out?

Maybe. Maybe some people would be surprised if they knew some stuff. But, I don’t really think so. The more we talked, the more I was trying to think if there were things in my life that literally no one else knew about. I feel like some of my worst thoughts, darkest moments of shame, grossest sins… that someone knew about them, even if not one person knew all of them. They had been brought into the light at some point.

In my mind, this is how it would be for everyone… right?
But as I questioned others, I found that I was indeed very wrong. One guy told me that there’s at least 30% of him that no one else knows.

Now, we may have been talking about different things. I don’t tell someone every single thought I have (probably mostly because that feels narcissistic), but I think for the things that matter… there’s nothing hidden. And it’s intriguing (and simultaneously terrifying) to know how much people can hide and how destructive those secrets can be.

Because while I’m in a place now where I don’t feel like I’m hiding any secrets, I know there have been other times when I lived in guilt, shame and fear because of how it would affect me and/or others if anyone ever knew… at least, that’s what I told myself.

And so I’m wondering for those of you who are in hiding… how are you sleeping at night?
What secrets are you keeping?
Are they harmless ones?
Or are they ones that affect those around you? Are they ones that bring death and destruction upon exposure? Are you involved in hidden activity that you’re ashamed of? Are your thoughts dark and haunting?

I don’t think there’s room for the secrecy.
If there are things in your life that you know would affect those around you in negative ways, how much longer are you willing to carry out the secrets? Do you think you can succeed in keeping up with the web of lies? Is it worth it?

I know that sometimes the secrets are horrendous. I know you can’t possibly imagine ever coming clean, ever being honest, ever letting those things surface into the light…
but I guess I think that at some point they are going to, even if you’re the best liar in the whole world. At some point the truth comes out.

And gosh… I just dream of the day when the lies, when the darkness, when the secrets fade away and truth is revealed. And I dream of the day when the light, while perhaps painful initially, penetrates into the darkness and all that remains is good.

I guess I think that day could start today for a lot of you. Maybe it’s time for you to expose the secret life, to come out of darkness and walk in the light. To no longer carry the burden of the tangled mess that you’ve been trying to keep track of and to live in the freedom that is given to you through Christ’s redeeming grace.

There’s still hope.
There are still second chances.

This might be one of the hardest things you ever do. I get that.
But, it’s better. Coming out now is better than waiting, and waiting…and weaving more lies, hiding more things, living secretly in a way that causes further damage to yourself and those around you.

The secret life isn’t the way it’s supposed to be.
Let people know all of you. Let the Lord in on all of you (because He already knows it all anyway). Then the healing can truly come.

It’s better.
It really, truly is. Even if initially it feels harder…

No more secrets, no more lies…
Walk into the light, friends.
It’s time for transparent living.

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Saying Yes

I’ve decided to approach this summer with the word ‘YES’ stamped across my forehead. Not literally…

Mostly I just mean that I want to be a ‘Yes Man’.
Because sometimes I’m more prone to find excuses for why I don’t want to do things.
I’m not even sure if I’ve seen this movie in full, but I know the premise behind it. Can you relate to this scene?

I can.
Something is going on and it may not be a convenient time, or with people I feel comfortable with, or I’d just rather be alone watching some television show… I tell myself that it’s okay because I’m more introverted and it’s more meaningful for me to be home writing something than it is for me to be out and about actually connecting with real people…

And so I choose isolation.
There’s always a good reason, too. I don’t usually have to make one up. Sometimes I’m genuinely exhausted, sometimes I have to work, sometimes I have to study, sometimes I have prior commitments, sometimes it costs too much, sometimes it’s too far away, sometimes I don’t know really know anyone there…

But this summer I want to say YES more readily. I want it to be a summer where I live life to the fullest, where I’m willing to do things and hang out with people that I might not normally… and to enjoy the unknown adventures of what that might entail. I want to spend time investing in others, even if there’s no guarantee that we’ll ever see each other again.

I’d challenge you to do the same.
Obviously, there are boundaries (I’m not trying to get you to say YES to drugs or weird propositions)…but I think there might be a lot of things we miss out on because we’re too comfortable, too scared, too satisfied to stay with what we know, too lazy, etc. I think we miss out on a lot because we’re too scared of spending money (and yes, we need to be good stewards…but are we hoarding and holding back in fear that the Lord won’t provide?), and we’re too scared of being in situations that feel awkward or unknown.

I recognize that saying yes more often doesn’t necessarily mean that each situation is going to be a grand new adventure. Sometimes it just might be what I fear it’ll be: awkward or uncomfortable or feel like a waste of time/money… but maybe I’d like to approach it with an openness of what the Lord could do if I’m willing to step outside of myself and my own comfort zone.

I don’t know what saying ‘YES’ means for you right now…
Maybe it means helping someone financially, maybe it means taking a crazy, spontaneous trip against your better judgment, maybe it means choosing to watch a movie with other people instead of by yourself (even if they aren’t your best friends). Maybe it means stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something out of your ordinary or maybe it means going out of your way to hang out with people. It could be anything.

Just consider the things you say NO to, and why you’re saying no.
What are you missing out on?
What are you choosing over the opportunities you’re presented with?

Have discernment as you say yes (especially if saying yes means that you’re spreading yourself entirely too thin)… but I hope that we can find joy in the opportunities as we say yes to people, to spontaneity, to adventure… and I pray that the selflessness in the YESes will create moments where we are surprised again and again by how good and faithful God is when we are willing to step outside of ourselves for a moment or two.

Let’s stop making excuses for isolation…
and say YES to people, to community, to relationship, to opportunity, to the unknown.

You in?

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True Colors

The comment: 

I wear a mask daily, it’s exhausting. 
I am working on taking it off but I don’t know how? People might not accept who I truly am, that makes me scared. 

You’re right.
They may not accept you. It’s an ugly possibility, but there’s no way that I can honestly tell you that the moment you live out of the fullness of who you are that everyone is going to love and accept you. It’s not reality. Because reality reveals that people sometimes suck and that sometimes they’re judgmental and far too often we care more about loving ourselves and getting ahead in life than we care about getting to really know people and love them well.

But, you’re also right. Wearing a mask is exhausting.

So… what’s the solution?

I think it comes down to identity and security. A recognizing that no matter who you are, you are loved by the Lord. And being so secure in that, it won’t matter whether everyone accepts you or not.

Because, here’s the deal. If we’re doing this whole Christianity thing, there’s a promise made to us that the world is not going to accept us. People aren’t always going to like us or agree with us. They’re going to think we’re crazy (and most of the time, we kind of are). But it doesn’t change that we’re loved by the Savior of the world. Their opinions, thoughts, perceptions of us shouldn’t be the things that dictate how we act, how we think, how we feel about ourselves.

Easier said than done, right?
I know.
I get it.

But it doesn’t change that it’s true.
It doesn’t change that the longer you wear the mask, the more exhausted you’ll continue to get, and the more distanced you’ll feel from everyone and everything in your life… because you’re continually choosing to ignore who you are.

Who you are, who you’ve been created to be… it’s good.
What the Lord is refining you into? It’s the best possible thing.
Why wouldn’t we want to bask in that? Why wouldn’t we want to live in the fullness of that?

There’s so much freedom to be found.
In the weirdness, in the quirkiness, in the random things about us that no one else seems to appreciate…? It’s still good. It’s good because it’s part of who we’ve been created to be and I honestly believe that the Lord wants us to recognize that it’s because He says that it is good, that it is. To believe that what He says is good enough for our ears.

When we’re needing that affirmation constantly from others, or when we’re too scared to really let others in because we fear the lack of acceptance of us when they find what’s behind the mask…? It reveals our lack of confidence in who we are, in who God has created us to be.

Take it slow. I’m not saying you need to take off the mask all at once (unless you’re the type of person who finds ripping off the band-aid much easier than the slow peeling off of one). I actually think you’ll be surprised by the acceptance you find from other people when you’re actually more of yourself. But, I think you’ll be abundantly surprised by the freedom you find when you can just be without all the pretense of trying to be something that you simply aren’t.

It’s a simpler life.
A freer life.
A glimpse of how things are supposed to be.

Give yourself a tough examination– question your motives and your actions. WHY are you doing the things that you are doing? Is it because that’s who you really are/want to be? I think when you allow yourself to go through this process, you’ll start to recognize the different things you’ve adopted over the years that were spawned from a desire to fit in, to be liked, to be accepted by others… even if they are contrary to who you are. Take it all to the Lord…surrendering yourself more fully to Him in every degree.

And slowly may you start to find freedom in being exactly who you are created to be.

May the masks we wear fade, and may our true colors shine through.

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Caring About Boys

I had a good chat with a friend other other day (I feel like ‘chatting’ insinuates an online conversation, but if you didn’t read it that way… it was an online conversation). 

She was typing up some word vomit about how she wishes (in a joking manner) she could make out with boys, no strings attached… as well as some other nonsense about how she takes relationship things too seriously…and then there was the complaints about men who are only looking for wives and don’t pick up on the lack of interest, and then the statements about the men who are out of her reach and the frustration that ensues. It’s the type of word vomit that makes me smile, because it’s an unfiltered stream of consciousness that almost all girls partake in at some point in their singleness journey (sometimes on a daily basis). And in the end, we find ourselves often feeling the same way as she did: 

 Friend: debbie. why do i even care about this? this is all dumb.

 me:  because you are a girl. and you like men. 
 Friend:  touche. there are just so many other, more important things. 
like world hunger
and war
and natural disasters
and illiteracy
and a heck ton of people that need Jesus
 me:  sure
but, you can’t ignore that you were created for THIS, too
and that it does affect you
and so let it affect you
just don’t let it define you
don’t let it dictate you
but don’t ignore it, either

The conversation reminded me that sometimes we may be struggling with all the woes of singleness and too often we feel like it’s not a valid struggle. So we undermine it. We ignore it. We make jokes about it. And then we cry into our pillows in the dark of the night, wrestling with the pain that seems so trivial to all the other junk that’s going on in the world. We have no right to hurt, no right to struggle, no right to be conflicted over being single. At least, that’s how it feels sometimes. And even beyond the ‘right’, we simply just feel like it’s r.i.d.i.c.u.l.o.u.s. My mom fights through breast cancer and my brother grieves the loss of his child… and I’m sad about being single? How dare I… How could I…? 

But, I do. 

Like I told my friend, I think it’s easy for us to forget that part of how we were created was for connection and intimacy with other humans. Remember how Eve was created because God determined it was not good for man to be alone? It would make sense, then, that when we are lacking in this area of our lives and it truly is a desire of our hearts… that it’s going to affect us. 

So, let it affect you. 
Don’t hide from it.
Don’t pretend it’s not there. 
Don’t pretend that just because you’re not up against starvation or death right now… that you don’t have hurts and wounds. That you don’t have more ‘trivial’ things that affect you and matter to you. You do. You probably always will… sometimes even when there’s more ‘major’ stuff that you’re dealing with.

Because relationships matter to us. They should matter to us. Which means that lack of relationships will also matter. 

But don’t dwell in it. 
Don’t let your singleness be the thing you find your identity in, the thing that ruins you, the thing that consumes your every thought and therefore your every action. 

Acknowledge that sometimes it sucks, cry about it, tell people you’re struggling with it… but keep living life. Because no matter how much you want it, how much you may be created for it… there’s something greater that you’ve ultimately been created for and you need to let that dictate your life, you need to let that define your existence, you need to let that be what drives you, motivates you, inspires you, and pushes you toward better. 

Caring about boys? Sure, it feels dumb and it can’t be the number one priority in your life… but you still care, and you should care. It’s okay
Just don’t get carried away with it (and you know when you do). 
No guilt trips, no despair, no hopelessness. 
Because, even in light of all the pain in this world, there is still much to hope in. 
So let’s keep hoping. And living. One day at a time. 
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Sexual Temptress

I’ve been a temptress.
A sexual temptress.
It’s not something I’m proud to admit, but it’s something I think we need to talk about…and therefore honesty becomes crucial. Again.
It happens during those times in relationships when you’re pressing up against established physical boundaries…and although you know that he’s told you that it’s hard for him when you kiss him on the neck, or the ear, or the mouth, or when you wear certain clothes or say certain things—it doesn’t matter. You want to make out and so you’re going to make out.  You’ll pretty much do whatever it takes.
And so, because we women can be temptresses and often get what we want when we seduce and allure, we make out. But the second he does something he shouldn’t do… it’s the second we get angry, we accuse and we freak out about the fact that he went too far. It’s his fault… isn’t it?
He’s confused. ‘You were the one that wanted to make out…?’
‘Yes, but…not like that…’ sigh. He just doesn’t understand.
Now we’re fighting because we’re struggling physically, we have no self-control, we feel guilty, our relationship is impure, God is disappointed with us, we’re blaming each other, etc. etc. etc.
Has it ever happened to you?
I think we sometimes fail our men when it comes to the sexual aspect of our dating relationships. I think we fail our men because we don’t really understand them, we’re selfish, and we are impatient.
When a physical boundary is established in a dating relationship, I think there’s this important thing that’s revealed. An admittance of, “this is how far I feel is too far…this is what I’m unwilling to compromise on….this is what I value….this is what I how I want to remain pure”. I think honesty is essential in this conversation, and then I think a deep respect for the other person must follow. Because, we may not always have the same boundaries as our significant other. In this instance, one needs to be willing to adhere to the boundaries of the person who wants less physical intimacy, not pressure them into more.
Now, I’m not a guy so I can’t speak fully into this topic….but from what I understand, it’s easier for guys to go from 0 to 100. Meaning, when he says that kissing you makes him immediately want to rip your clothes off, he probably means it. So, when he says that he can’t kiss you, it means that he’s trying to honor you and knows what his body is and isn’t capable of.
To a girl, a kiss can often just be a kiss. It’s sweet, it’s simple, it’s a brush of the lips and very rarely does it instantaneously take your mind to the bedroom where the ‘unthinkable’ is done. So what’s the harm in a kiss?
So you kiss him, because you want to kiss and you’re perfectly in control…so he should be too. And as he’s trying to refrain from ripping your clothes off (like he told he’d want to do if you started kissing), you’re immediately angry at him for not being able to control himself with just a kiss.
Does it maybe seem unfair?
I think it’s unfair of us women to ask our men what arouses them sexually and then ignore it…and then get angry when they’re ‘too’ aroused. I think it’s unfair of us to ask our men what arouses them and then use it as a means to get what we want…
Because, sometimes we just want to make out…and so we’ll use the things he’s told us make him craaaazy, because we’ll get that quick and harmless makeout session. And then we’re ticked when it’s not what we were expecting/wanting.
We think we get to call the shots sexually.
We think we get to control it.
Maybe not consciously… but I think we do it more than we realize.
And in the end, I just think we’re unwilling to wait and be patient for an even greater intimacy that is possible for us. We think that the make out sessions will satisfy our cravings, but in reality we’re left either wanting more or left disappointed and angry that our man wanted more out of us then we were wanting initially.
It’s somewhat an issue of respect.
Will you respect him enough to abide by the boundaries you’ve established?
Will you respect yourself enough?
You’ve established the boundaries for a reason, right?
The more you tamper with the lines, the more you seduce, the more you flirt with the all the possibilities in the sexual realm… the more likely it is that you’ll fight, that you’ll feel disrespected, that you’ll feel unheard, that you’ll feel like one of you cares more abut purity than the other…which then leads into a thousand other conversations that can assault character, integrity, and a desire to follow Jesus.
It isn’t fair.  And I don’t think it’s how it ought to be.
Be cautious, dating friends.
It’s a vicious sexual world that we are all a part of and trying to sort through carefully.
Be men and women who respect each other deeply. Who love each other well. Who are willing to lay down your sexual desires for the sake of the other person. Your relationship isn’tabout you getting to make out. You were never entitled to that. It is about honoring the other person and caring for them as you determine if lifelong compatibility is for you.
Be willing to make hard choices, be willing to make choices that aren’t always your favorite, be willing to make choices that sometimes make you feel like a child (because you recognize your lack of self-control and that you may need constant supervision, or something).
The purity is worth it.
The integrity is worth it.
The respect that you give each other is worth it.
And be willing to take the blame if it’s your fault if things get out of hand. Be willing to give grace. Be willing to receive mercy every morning.
This dance is confusing and challenging…but it’s possible.
Ladies- be willing to recognize that even when you don’t understand all the sexual tendencies of a man, you need to still respect them and honor what they’ve asked of you.
Don’t be the temptress, no matter how much you want to be wanted (or even feel like you needit—you don’t need it like this, especially not right now)… and help your man be the man of integrity and purity that he aspires to be. And men, same thing goes for you, too. Help her maintain the purity and integrity that she seeks after as well. It’s a two-way street. Recognize that you’re both sexual beings and you need to be on each other’s side in this battle. 
There can be victory in this. 
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One Decision

Sometimes decisions feel heavy.

That this one decision you make is going to determine the rest of your life, so you better not make the wrong one. 

And, sometimes, one decision can affect your entire life (like marriage…).

Decisions can often have consequences. And sometimes I’m so scared of the possible consequences that I feel paralyzed in making any sort of decision at all. I want to evaluate every possibility before I decide on something and, on some level, it’s impossible to do.

No matter how many what-ifs I go through, no matter how many scenarios I play out, no matter how much I try to know as much as possible about deciding on something… I still feel in the dark as I’m forced to decide. I’m never really sure

It’s so easy to get caught up in believing there’s always a ‘right’ decision to be made, and so we inherently fear making the ‘wrong’ decision. It’s so easy to be consumed by the thought of choosing something and then being stuck in a place where you’re wondering if you had chosen differently if it might have been better.

It’s so easy to want the Lord to just tell you what the heck you should do.

But sometimes I wonder if we place too much weight on some decisions. That maybe these decisions don’t make or break the plans God has for us. That maybe He is still able to accomplish His will in us and through us even when we aren’t clear about the path we should be taking. Maybe it’s not so much about the path that we take as it is about the person we are and are becoming as we walk down that path.

Maybe so much of the time we focus on what we’re supposed to do that we forget what we’re supposed to be. Maybe we’re so caught up in figuring out what our calling is in terms of vocation and we lose sight of our calling to love, holiness, and proclaiming the goodness of God.

Maybe sometimes we get so frustrated and lost because we don’t know what step is right, while all along the Lord is asking something much more simple out of us. Something much more basic.

Maybe He’s saying, “I don’t care what school you go to, what job you take, what house you live in, what car you drive, what city you make your home… what I care about is deeper than that. I care about your heart. I care about you loving me. I care about your obedience to me. I care about you loving others. I care about you placing others above yourself. I care about your desire for others to know me and your boldness to live out of that no matter where you are. I care about you making my name famous. I care about you. I care about you, even when you mess up, even when you run away, even when you’re confused, even when you’ve given up. I’m still here. Through it all. Don’t forget me. I love you.

How do we step out of the versions of ourselves that we feel others expect us to be and step more fully into the version of ourselves that God is calling us to be? 

How do we move away from feeling like it’s necessary to be found successful in the eyes of the world and find contentment in the fact that we are moving toward being what God desires of us?

Can we aspire to greatness no matter what we do?
Can we aspire to greatness in who we are?
Can we not let the seemingly ‘big-time’ decisions over our futures be things that plague us, but rather things that move us toward knowing what it means to follow Him more?

Maybe there aren’t always right or wrongs…
Maybe this one decision doesn’t have to bear so much weight.
Maybe it doesn’t matter.

Because maybe it isn’t about what I do…
And maybe it’s more about who I am… and who I am becoming.
And maybe what I do is part of that process…
But maybe it means that there’s more freedom in choosing than I sometimes feel.

I want to dwell in that freedom.
And trust that, no matter the what, the Lord is refining who I am and what I do is solely a reflection of Him in me.

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