I’m tired.
My feet are sore and my shirt still carries the stickiness of orange juice I splattered all over myself this morning. I only remember when my arm gets stuck on it occasionally.
But there are more important things.
I’m back in camp world.
It’s both entirely different and entirely the same.
I swept the floor after lunch and smiled to myself: We’re doing this. We’re doing camp.
I don’t know how, really. But I know it’s happening. It’s been over two weeks and my life has been filled with a random assortment of tasks and only a small percentage of them would identify me with my actual job title. It’s been a mix of learning new systems and procedures, deep cleaning, creating schedules, writing blogs and website text, ordering food, shopping for food, waiting for guests to arrive, unloading giant moving trucks, creating events, having meetings, dreaming, drinking coffee, playing spike ball… the list goes on and on and on.
It’s challenging.
But it’s familiar.
It’s familiar and it’s new.
It’s stuff I know in the midst of something unknown and huge.
I love it.
And still throughout it all, there’s only one assurance I have. Because while I’m somehow competent and knowledgeable about some things camp…I don’t think any of us really know the weight of what’s ahead. We don’t really know what’s required of us. We don’t really know what the Lord is going to do with this place.
But things are happening.
While I’m maybe putting on several different hats at once (as we all are), there’s a joy in embracing it fully. A ‘Let’s Do This!’ mentality. And so we band together in the midst of learning together, growing together, building together, creating together. We are no longer strangers. We are teammates. We are working together toward one common goal.
The Lord is faithful.
Jesus is Lord.
Apart from Him I do no good thing.
It’s the assurance I have.
And so even with the early mornings, the sore feet, the long hours, the unknowing-ness of everything we are walking into… we rely on Him. Because without Him, none of this is possible.
It’s a pretty sweet thing to be a part of.
There are moments when it feels risky and uncomfortable…when there’s tension and an uncertainty as we discern the best way to move forward. There are moments when I feel absolutely terrified and incompetent to do my job…and they are countered with times when I feel like I was made to do exactly this.
It’s a life of utter dependence. A life where I’m given more than enough for each day.
It’s a good life.
I’d encourage you to take opportunities, to take risks, to step into the unknown, to walk into things you maybe don’t necessarily feel qualified for…and to trust in the assurance you have in Him.
Because even when it’s hard, uncomfortable, challenging, terrifying, overwhelming…
There are more important things.
Jesus is Lord.
And we’ll do everything we can to tell as many people as we can of His love and saving grace.
Because it’s the most important thing.