
I’m reminded.
I’m sitting in my new room, at an old desk, overlooking a large deck with some mountains in the horizon. I’m also pretty sure I saw a bear this morning. It looked like a large black dog from a distance, so I can’t be sure. 
Mostly I think…what is my life?
I’ve had this thought a lot in the last year.
One of my new co-workers asked me last night how this transition compared to my transition to Boston, and while it’s only been a few hours in New Mexico… I can honesty say that this one feels weirder. Weirder because I feel like I’m supposed to know what’s going on, but outside of my house…this place feels large and overwhelming (and beautiful)…and I don’t know much of anything. 

I’m reminded.
Having worked with an organization for a long time doesn’t exactly mean much when you’re in a completely new place with a bunch of new people and unsure of where to begin. But…despite it feeling overwhelming and terrifying, it’s exciting. It’s new. It’s different. And it’s ultimately still stuff I know, and, once I get started, I think a lot more will fall into place.
Mostly I’m assured again and again that God is sovereign in all of it. That I can’t do it without Him. And that maybe my version of success and His may look different, and so I get to choose to trust Him no matter how things play out. I get to choose to remember that He is good.
I’m reminded.
Next to me on my desk is a letter.
One of my past summer staff counselors heard I was making this move and had the gumption to find my address and have mail awaiting me. A hand-written note to remind me that even when I don’t feel like I’m necessarily doing anything beneficial, good things can spring forth. A desire to dig deeper, a desire for honesty…inspired by… me?
I’m just humbled.
Humbled by this opportunity before me, humbled by the reminder that God uses even me…. even when I least expect it and even when I feel so raw and messed up. I’m glad the Lord gives us reminders of how He uses us for good, and I’m glad He gives us reminders that He is the perfect one in all of this. And because of that, I don’t need to be.
There’s once again freedom to be found in that.
I’m reminded.
But friends, I’m going to need you in this next life journey. Your prayers, support, encouragement… your reminders that even when I feel that I’ve failed, that God is stillgood. Because while I’m overwhelmed, I know that this where I need to be right now. Despite the questions and musings of what I’ve left behind…there’s my present to be mindful of it.
I’m reminded.
To be where I am.
That I need others.
That God is good andfaithful.
That eternity is bigger than the temporary right in front of me.
That Jesus saves.
Sometimes I wonder if life is just full of reminders of things we already know…but we just need those little reminders. Those truths.
Today I’m reminded.
And because of that, I can find joy no matter how I feel, how matter how terrifying things are, no matter what goes ‘wrong’.
Be reminded.
Let yourself.
Don’t tune it out because it’s stuff you’ve heard before.
Let the simple truths change your life today…let them change your attitude, your perspective, your interactions with those around you. Don’t push them out, don’t push them away.
Be reminded.
We need it.
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